سلة طعام SanctuaryReef: تمكين المزارعين المائيين

سلة طعام SanctuaryReef: تمكين المزارعين المائيين

سلة طعام SanctuaryReef: تمكين المزارعين المائيين 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

المؤسسة الرائدة:

Zanzibar Seaweed Cluster Initiative (ZaSCI) United Republic of Tanzania

Members of the Zanzibar Seaweed Cluster Initiative (ZaSCI) will grow shellfish to supplement their seaweed farming and fish trapping operations.

Some shellfish will be stimulated with 2-to-15-volt DC electricity. Such gentle electric stimulation has been shown to increase the growth rate and marine heat wave tolerance of coral and oysters. That is marine electric stimulation increases seafood production while adapting the nearby marine ecosystem to climate change’s increased heat. The electricity dose corresponding to growth and heat-tolerance of stimulated and control shellfish will be recorded. The recorded data will inform an economic analysis determining if the increased growth and heat-tolerance justifies the cost of electrical stimulation. The project also tests how well the local community relates to the project components.

Start Date: 01/03/2021
End Date: 01/12/2025

Lead Contact: Flower Msuya (fmsuya1@gmail.com)

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