European Regional Hub for Blue Carbon

European Regional Hub for Blue Carbon

European Regional Hub for Blue Carbon 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

المؤسسة الرائدة:

Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) – Belgium

Euro-BC will initially focus on establishing a multidisciplinary network that enables knowledge sharing and best practices, enabling a platform to include a database of habitat extent and vulnerability and a repository of carbon stock and sequestration rate data.

The European Regional Hub on Blue Carbon (Euro-BC) will be embedded in the Global Ocean – Blue Carbon (GO-BC) Decade programme to facilitate knowledge transfer, strengthen collaborative efforts, and act as a conduit through which individual European BC projects can connect to the global programme. It also aims to summarise state of the art and produce a policy roadmap focusing on BC in different European legislative drivers. Euro-BC builds on a pan-European expert network of JPI Oceans on Blue Carbon (Blue Carbon Knowledge Hub).

Start date: 01/05/2023
End date: 30/04/2027

Lead Contact: Yekaterina Astafyeva (

challenges: 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 5- Ocean-Climate Nexus, 9- Capacity Development
ocean_basins: Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea, EU Outermost Regions and Overseas Territories, Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, North Sea
type_of_action: مشروع

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