해양 10년 비전 2030 프로세스 - 공개 웨비나

2023년 11월 2일 09:00 - 18:30
이벤트 로드 중
  • 이 이벤트는 종료되었습니다.

Join the first public webinar of the Ocean Decade Vision 2030 process!

A milestone initiative of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 (‘Ocean Decade’), this process led by ten Expert Working Groups aims to refine strategic ambitions for each of the Ocean Decade Challenges in the form of White Papers to be unveiled at the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona, Spain, in 4월 2024.

This webinar will provide insights into the roadmap and framework of the Vision 2030 by:

  • Facilitating broad Ocean Decade stakeholder engagement in the Vision 2030 process
  • Collecting initial inputs and feedback on the Vision 2030 and the work of the Working Groups
  • Showcasing initial outputs of the White Papers
  • Setting out the mechanism for further detailed engagement in the process moving forward

Couldn’t attend either session? Don’t worry! Discover the recordings of the two virtual sessions below.

여기를 클릭 를 클릭하여 프레젠테이션 슬라이드에 액세스하세요.

Your participation and insights are valuable to ensure the success of the Ocean Decade and our collective mission to protect and preserve our ocean.

For more information, please contact:
Vision 2030 Team (vision2030@unesco.org)

세부 정보

11월 2, 2023
09:00 - 18:30
이벤트 카테고리:

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


다음 이벤트

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