Ведущее учреждение:
National Oceanographic Committee of Chile (CONA) – Chile
The creation of the Ocean Literacy Working Group as a Decade Action is based in the Ocean Decade Implementation Plan.
It consists of 8 main national activities:
- Implement Ocean Literacy in the National Curricular Bases and generate curricular guidelines to implement it from earliest age;
- Adapt the 4 IOC-UNESCO Ocean Literacy Courses to our national society;
- Develop a Communication Plan for dissemination of Ocean Literacy in Chile;
- Develop a Public Portal that concentrates and disseminates Ocean Literacy information online, providing information “with one click”;
- Promote and officialize the already prepared Ocean Literacy Strategic Plan with initiatives/goals/indicators;
- Identify foundations, philanthropic organizations, companies and funds that contribute to Ocean Literacy;
- Promote development of journalistic content, academic and cultural activities related to Ocean Literacy; and
- Develop a methodological procedure to monitor / evaluate the implementation of Ocean Literacy.
Дата начала: 06/09/2023
Дата окончания: 31/12/2030
Lead Contact: Juan Fierro (jfierro@shoa.cl)
задачи: 3 - Устойчивое "голубое продовольствие", 9 - Развитие потенциала, 10 - Изменение поведения
host_programme: Океанская грамотность для всех (OLWA): Изменения, которые нам нужны для океана, который мы хотим
океанические бассейны: Южная часть Тихого океана, Южный океан
type_of_action: Проект