Ведущее учреждение:
Федеральный университет Сан-Паулу (UNIFESP) - Бразилия
Maré de Ciência (Прилив науки) работает на стыке науки, государственной политики и общества, содействуя распространению океанической грамотности на основе диалога, обмена знаниями и вовлеченности.
We work on ocean sciences in the context of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, in line with the goals of the UN Ocean Decade – contributing to ocean literacy awareness for different sectors of the society, integrating ocean literacy values and principles to behavior change towards more sustainable actions. We value participants as the protagonist of the production of knowledge and the joint construction of the processes, the activities are not designed to be for the audience but with the audience.
This initiative integrates science, education and outreach, and is co-designed between the university, public authorities and civil society. It breaks the vision of knowledge and research only within universities and shows that quality and impact science is done with everyone together.
Дата начала: 01/02/2017
Дата окончания: 31/12/2025
Lead Contact: Ronaldo Christofoletti (maredeciencia@gmail.com)