
Highlighting ocean deoxygenation on World Oceans Day

Highlighting ocean deoxygenation on World Oceans Day 627 451 Ocean Decade

To mark World Oceans Day 2023 on the 8th June, the IOC working group Global…

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Marine Animal Forest of the World endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade

Marine Animal Forest of the World endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade 2000 605 Ocean Decade

Great news for a COST Action network looking at marine animal forests, one of the…

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Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa

Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa 1280 720 Ocean Decade

O Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa foi criado pela Organização das Nações Unidas para a…

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HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco Announces a Quarter of the Ocean Now Mapped

HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco Announces a Quarter of the Ocean Now Mapped 2000 1334 Ocean Decade

An additional 5.4 million square kilometres of new data – equating to an area twice…

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International Nutrient Inter-comparison Voyage (INIV) will bring together 15 international laboratories to make simultaneous nutrient measurements in the Southern Ocean

International Nutrient Inter-comparison Voyage (INIV) will bring together 15 international laboratories to make simultaneous nutrient measurements in the Southern Ocean 2000 1499 Ocean Decade

This voyage aboard RV Investigator aims to improve global nutrient measurements and published datasets by…

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Meet the new EMBracing the Ocean artists (2023-2024)

Meet the new EMBracing the Ocean artists (2023-2024) 1106 556 Ocean Decade

Two new artist teams have been selected for the 2023 – 2024 edition of the…

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Impact of human activities on Marine Functional Connectivity: International symposium to discuss latest findings

Impact of human activities on Marine Functional Connectivity: International symposium to discuss latest findings 710 397 Ocean Decade

Recently endorsed as an official activity of the UN Ocean Decade, the international symposium Human…

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Ten remarkable new marine species from 2022

Ten remarkable new marine species from 2022 849 406 Ocean Decade

Fluffy Sponge Crab, Lamarckdromia beagle King Ghidorah’s Branching Worm, Ramisyllis kingghidorahi Demian Koop’s Yoda Acorn Worm, Yoda demiankoopi…

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WHAT OCEAN FOR TOMORROW? Marine ecosystems in a changing climate: Insights from the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report

WHAT OCEAN FOR TOMORROW? Marine ecosystems in a changing climate: Insights from the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report 2000 1159 Ocean Decade

As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases the Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6),…

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Schmidt Ocean Institute launches new research vessel that will change the face of ocean exploration

Schmidt Ocean Institute launches new research vessel that will change the face of ocean exploration 1000 540 Ocean Decade

Founders Eric and Wendy Schmidt launch R/V Falkor (too), with an inaugural expedition, expanding capacity,…

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The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want





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