
International Coral Reef Society (ICRS)

International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) 2560 1707 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) – United States of America (USA)…

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Shaping Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability (SEAS)

Shaping Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability (SEAS) 900 600 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: University of Bergen – Norway SEAS is a career and mobility…

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Development of comprehensive tsunami software

Development of comprehensive tsunami software 1920 1080 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: Tokushima University – Japan This action will contribute to the UN…

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Deep Ocean Microbiomes and Ecosystems (DOME)

Deep Ocean Microbiomes and Ecosystems (DOME) 2000 1050 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: Shanghai Ocean University – China DOME will build an integrated international…

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Powering the Blue Economy – Global (PBE-Global)

Powering the Blue Economy – Global (PBE-Global) 602 401 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: United Stated Department of Energy, Water Power Technologies Office – United…

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Global Artificial Light at Night Network (GOALANN)

Global Artificial Light at Night Network (GOALANN) 1920 1080 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: University of Plymouth – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern…

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C&BI – Ocean & Coastal Ecosystems

C&BI – Ocean & Coastal Ecosystems 2560 1330 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: BNP Paribas Foundation under the aegis of Fondation de France –…

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Ocean Solutions in the East Asian Seas

Ocean Solutions in the East Asian Seas 2000 1414 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: UNESCO-IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC), UNESCO-IOC; Center for Marine…

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Belmont Forum Ocean Collaborative Research Actions

Belmont Forum Ocean Collaborative Research Actions 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: Belmont Forum – Panama The Belmont Forum Ocean Collaborative Research Actions…

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Coastal Resilience through Knowledge & Capacity

Coastal Resilience through Knowledge & Capacity 1394 929 Ocean Decade

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (Fondazione CMCC) – Italy CMCC…

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바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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