Since its launch, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 (‘Ocean Decade’) has brought together thousands of ocean actors to develop science, infrastructure, partnerships, capacity, and innovations to meet the 10 Ocean Decade Challenges. A new batch of 46 Decade Actions is the latest addition to this global portfolio, which now boasts over 600 endorsed initiatives contributing to the high impact of the Decade in priority areas of ocean science.
With this latest set of Decade Actions, the Ocean Decade will further strengthen science-based solutions to urgent issues, including food security and sustainable fisheries management, the protection and restoration of marine ecosystems, and cost-effective ocean observation.
The initiatives also address cross-cutting thematic and regional priorities identified in the Barcelona Statement, such as support to early career ocean professionals (ECOPs) and Indigenous women in Western Indian and Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
Governmental and intergovernmental organizations, research and academic institutes, and NGOs from 18 countries will implement these new Actions in all ocean basins – from Mozambique and Norway to Australia and Brazil.
“We are delighted that our Calls to Actions are resonating and inspiring active engagement in all corners of the world. In fact, the numbers speak for themselves — so far, over 600 Actions have been led by more than 70 countries!” said Vidar Helgesen, Executive Secretary of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC). “We will continue fueling this momentum to guide and support the ocean community in generating science and knowledge for decision-making and policy.”
Discover the full list of endorsed Ocean Decade Actions here.
Expanding sustainable aquaculture practices for food security and nutrition
By 2050, demand for blue foods – food from aquatic sources – is expected to double. Can the sector grow to meet the increased appetite of 9.8 billion people in harmony with the ocean? The development of an aquaculture industry that focuses on environmental, economic, and social sustainability is key to addressing this challenge.
Twelve newly endorsed Decade Projects from a co-sponsored Call for Decade Actions with the Research Council of Norway address Decade Challenges 3 and 4, bringing innovative solutions for ocean economy and equitable diets. The Actions will implement best practices in aquaculture, including fisheries management regulations, fish reproductive biology, and sustainability in fish farming.
Nine other initiatives from the same Call address the impact of climate change on marine coastal ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as propose novel perspectives on ocean research in Norway and beyond.
Intensifying ocean research and sharing ocean knowledge with the world
Eight of the new Projects will fall under the umbrella of Ocean Decade Programmes led by UNESCO-IOC.
The Programme Ocean Practices for the Decade was established to advance context-sensitive methodologies related to ocean research, operations, and applications. It will now host three Projects to support management of ghost gear in coastal areas, increase understanding of prevalent ocean plastic issues, and bolster solutions for its reduction.
Ocean literacy plays a key role in fostering responsible behaviors and stimulating leadership for ocean sustainability. Under the lead of Decade Programme Ocean Literacy with All (OLWA), five Projects will mainstream ocean knowledge through exhibitions, information portals, an interactive ocean map, and educational programmes.
Advancing science-based solutions in the Arctic
Led by the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, the Pan-Arctic Distributed Biological Observatory (Pan-Arctic DBO) has received official endorsement to boost polar science in the Ocean Decade as a Contribution. It will strengthen several internationally coordinated activities to identify interconnections with declining seasonal sea ice, warming water temperatures, and stratification changes.
The current Call for Decade Actions No. 07/2024 is open until 31 8월 2024, aiming to fill gaps in funding and resources, as well as to incentivize new initiatives in capacity development for a sustainable ocean.
For more information, please contact:
Ocean Decade Communications Team (
바다의 10년 소개:
2017년 유엔 총회에서 선포된 ' 지속 가능한 발전을 위한 유엔 해양과학 10년(2021-2030)'('해양 10년')은 해양 과학과 지식 창출을 촉진하여 해양 시스템의 쇠퇴를 되돌리고 거대한 해양 생태계의 지속 가능한 발전을 위한 새로운 기회를 촉진하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 해양 10년의 비전은 '우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학'입니다. 해양 10년은 다양한 분야의 과학자와 이해관계자들이 해양 과학의 발전을 가속화하고 활용하는 데 필요한 과학적 지식과 파트너십을 개발하여 해양 시스템에 대한 이해를 높이고 2030 의제를 달성하기 위한 과학 기반 솔루션을 제공할 수 있는 소집 프레임워크를 제공합니다. 유엔 총회는 유네스코 정부간해양학위원회(IOC)에 10년의 준비와 이행을 조율하도록 위임했습니다.
About the UNESCO-IOC:
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (UNESCO-IOC) promotes international cooperation in marine sciences to improve management of the ocean, coasts and marine resources. The IOC enables its 150 Member States to work together by coordinating programmes in capacity development, ocean observations and services, ocean science and tsunami warning. The work of the IOC contributes to the mission of UNESCO to promote the advancement of science and its applications to develop knowledge and capacity, key to economic and social progress, the basis of peace and sustainable development.