
브라질 산토스에서 해양 문해력 법이 서명되었습니다.

브라질 산토스에서 해양 문해력 법이 서명되었습니다. 480 320 Ocean Decade

Ocean literacy was assumed as a public policy in school education in Santos, Brazil. The…

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유네스코, 기후 영향으로부터 해양 세계 유산을 보호하기 위해 과학에 대한 실질적인 투자 촉구

유네스코, 기후 영향으로부터 해양 세계 유산을 보호하기 위해 과학에 대한 실질적인 투자 촉구 2000 1428 오션 디케이드

A new report, Ocean Science Roadmap for UNESCO Marine World Heritage, reveals that three quarters of…

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IOC-유네스코와 모나코 재단의 알베르토 2세 왕자, 해양 10년을 위해 협력하다

IOC-유네스코와 모나코 재단의 알베르토 2세 왕자, 해양 10년을 위해 협력하다 1131 754 Ocean Decade

UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation have formalized…

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Indigenous knowledge in the Pacific Islands and the UN Ocean Decade

Indigenous knowledge in the Pacific Islands and the UN Ocean Decade 658 387 Ocean Decade

UNESCO’s Member States are gathered in Paris to study and adopt a new 8-year medium…

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Semi-Finalists Announced: US$1 Million Ocean Innovation Prize

Semi-Finalists Announced: US$1 Million Ocean Innovation Prize 602 338 Ocean Decade

The Blue Climate Initiative (BCI) announced today the 21 semi-finalists for the US$1 Million Ocean…

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ECOP Programme Call for financial support for capacity development fees

ECOP Programme Call for financial support for capacity development fees 2000 1330 Ocean Decade

The objective of the present Call of the ECOP Programme is to provide financial support…

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A CLEAN OCEAN – Ocean Decade Laboratory

A CLEAN OCEAN – Ocean Decade Laboratory 580 400 오션 디케이드

Our third Ocean Decade Laboratory will be held from 17 to 19 11월 2021 and…

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COP26 글래스고에서 열리는 해양 10년 행사

COP26 글래스고에서 열리는 해양 10년 행사 1600 900 Ocean Decade

Change humanity’s relationship with the ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Understand and beat marine pollution Join the…

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