유스포오션 포럼

2024년 9월 2일 - 2025년 9월 2일
이벤트 로드 중

The Youth4Ocean Forum is a diverse network of young ocean changemakers from all over Europe, coming together to make the ocean a concern of all European citizens through ocean literacy and advocacy actions in national and international fora.

Supported by the European Union, the Youth4Ocean Forum has put in place the Young Ocean Advocate programme that equips young project leaders with visibility, training, resources, and the opportunity to connect with marine and maritime experts who bring support to their project development and upscaling.

세부 정보

9월 2, 2024
9월 2, 2025
이벤트 카테고리:


유럽 위원회
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바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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