온리 원: 하나의 지구, 하나의 바다, 하나의 건강

2023년 7월 25일 - 2030년 2월 25일
이벤트 로드 중

“Only One – One Planet, One Ocean, One Health” is an international campaign by Marevivo, in partnership with the Italian Navy and the Dohrn Foundation, and backed by the European Parliament and under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security. It highlights the urgent need for ecological transition through a travelling exhibition on Italian Navy ships Vespucci and Palinuro, as well as in other institutions. The focus is on biodiversity protection, energy and food transitions, and the circular economy, promoting an economic model where, as in nature, nothing is created and nothing is wasted.

The campaign prioritises environmental education and literacy, key to Marevivo’s mission of driving a cultural shift towards sustainability among young people and society at large, both nationally and internationally. The protection of our seas is inseparable from the awareness and engagement of citizens and institutions. Marevivo weaves educational values into all its activities, particularly through the “Only One- One Planet, One Ocean, One Health” campaign, with the goal of enhancing knowledge, awareness, and respect for the environment, stressing that the ecological transition must start now -tomorrow may be too late.

Our future is tied to the health of the sea, and its wellbeing hinges on the choices we make. By focusing on the younger generation, “Only One- One Planet, One Ocean, One Health” promotes individual and collective action in conserving biodiversity and managing resources. Marevivo urges politics and industry to adopt sustainability as a core value, ensuring the preservation of natural resources and a better quality of life for future generations.

세부 정보

7월 25, 2023
2월 25, 2030
이벤트 카테고리:


마레비보, 이탈리아 해군, 도른 재단

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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