해양 변화 2024 - 개방형 관측 탐험대

2024년 6월 18일 - 2024년 9월 25일
이벤트 로드 중
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As part of his long-term project OCEAN CHANGE, explorer Arved Fuchs sets sails again in 6월 2024 to support open observation and citizen science.

Gathering a dedicated volunteer crew, the historic sailing vessel DAGMAR AAEN will cruise along the Norwegian Coast and the Barentsea and collect observation data. The goal: Contributing to the understanding of the changes in the oceans and their effects on global climate and coastal landscapes. In cooperation with GEOMAR, AWI and IWO Warnemünde, meteorological and oceanographic data (salinity, CO2 saturation, surface water temp. etc) is transmitted to the BELUGA platform in real time.

The cruise’s other goal is to raise awareness for the dramatic changes in the oceans. Videos and interviews documenting life on board the DAGMAR AAEN will be broadcasted through various channels before, during and after the cruise.

세부 정보

6월 18, 2024
9월 25, 2024
이벤트 카테고리:


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