심층 해양 시민 과학 웨비나 속으로

2024년 9월 27일 10:00
이벤트 로드 중
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This event will bring together marine scientists, educators and conservation activists to present and discuss how citizen science hands-on and digital initiatives can successfully connect people to their Oceans, and support pro-environmental behavioural change.

Into The Deep brings the world’s deep ocean to your laptop. In this event, we will present how we have built learning modules and a tailored participatory science tool around four distinct deep sea marine habitats. Each shows the impact which human behaviour has on them, then empowers users to use a new web-based image analysis tool, known as BiiGLE PARTY, to make species observations in seafloor images. Excellent results from the project show that users’ observations feed well into ongoing scientific research, and users gain a deeper understanding of marine conservation policy and agency through their participation. The outputs will encourage more collaboration to protect our valuable marine ecosystems.

Alongside Into The Deep, we will also welcome a panel of marine citizen science implementers from all over Europe, and hear how they build and maintain programmes and projects that connect people with the Oceans around them in a participatory way.


  • 10:00-10:20 What is Into The Deep (Dr. Caroline Johansen) and what results do we already have from Citizen Science (CS) analysis? (Prof. Dr. Tim Nattkemper)
  • 10:20-10:30 Is it worth it? CS for marine research (Dr. Autun Purser)
  • 10:30- 11:00 Hear from 5 different marine CS initiatives across Europe, on data collection, data analysis and community engagement and sustainability
  • 11:00-11:30 Over to you! Breakout groups to go deeper into integrating CS into research, community engagement and data analysis
  • 11:30-11:45 Keynote: Leonardo Veronesi, European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)
  • 11:45-12:00 Wrap up and next steps

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세부 정보

9월 27, 2024
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