브릴리언트 블루 챌린지

12월 16, 2023
이벤트 로드 중
  • 이 이벤트는 종료되었습니다.

Brilliant Labs invites you to join us on 토요일, Dec. 16, 2023, at 9:30 AM (AST) / 13:30 (UCT), for the inaugural Brilliant Blue Challenge! This groundbreaking youth competition will showcase blue economy solutions, innovation, and creativity.

The Brilliant Blue Challenge, with funding from the National Research Council Canada, is not just an event—it’s a transformative platform for minds passionate about addressing ocean challenges and advancing the blue economy.

Be part of the excitement as teams from around the world embark on a journey to redefine possibilities in marine innovation.

Date: 12월 16th, 2023Time: Opening Ceremonies 9:30 (AST) 13:30 (UTC)Location: Register now to save your virtual spot!  You can also visit the Brilliant Blue Challenge Page to find the event registration link & agenda.

Thank you to Brilliant Blue Challenge funder The National Research Council Of Canada; sponsors: Cooke Aquaculture and InnovaSea; our official partners & supporters Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS), Marine Environmental Observation Prediction & Response Network (MEOPAR), Cloud & More; Endorsed by UN Ocean Decade; Media and Public Relations Partner amPR inc.

세부 정보

12월 16, 2023
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