2024 전대서양 연구 및 혁신 연합(AAORIA) 포럼

2024년 10월 8일 - 2024년 10월 10일
이벤트 로드 중

The 2024 All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA) Forum will bring together representatives from the Atlantic community to discuss and highlight opportunities for collaborative ocean science, share knowledge, and inform advancements in fit-for-purpose science to achieve a healthy and sustainable Atlantic Ocean.


Alison Clausen, Ocean Decade Deputy Coordinator, will be on-site in Ottawa to take part in the Forum as follows:

9 10월 2024: Workshop – Laying the Foundation for Coordination of the Ocean Decade in the Atlantic Ocean Basin (12:30-13:30, Canadian Museum of Nature, Hatch Salon)

On the sidelines of the Forum, the Ocean Decade is organising this moderated workshop to bring together key ocean stakeholders to explore alignment and potential interactions between the coordination needs for the Ocean Decade in the Atlantic and existing or planned initiatives by partners in the region.

The results of the workshop will be used to scope an action plan to establish future regional coordination mechanisms.

The workshop will be open to all participants at the All Atlantic Forum, but interested participants are kindly asked to register via this link to help plan the logistics for the workshop.

10 10월 2024: Closing session – Looking ahead to the 2025 AAORIA Forum; Closing remarks

Alison Clausen will provide closing remarks during closing session of the Forum, and in particular announce the publication of the Ocean Decade Vision 2030 outcomes report.

세부 정보

10월 8, 2024
10월 10, 2024
이벤트 카테고리:


캐나다 자연 박물관
Ottawa, Ontario Canada


캐나다 수산해양부, 유럽연합 집행위원회 및 OKEANO CSA
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