10- 행동 변화

International Coral Reef Society (ICRS)

International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) 2560 1707 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) – United States of America (USA)…

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OceanX and OceanQuest Around Africa Mission

OceanX and OceanQuest Around Africa Mission 5559 3811 Ocean Decade

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: OceanX – United States of America (USA) In early 2025, two…

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Belmont Forum Ocean Collaborative Research Actions

Belmont Forum Ocean Collaborative Research Actions 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: Belmont Forum – Panama The Belmont Forum Ocean Collaborative Research Actions…

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MS in Science and Design for MSP

MS in Science and Design for MSP 2560 1920 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: Università IUAV di Venezia – Italy The two-year Ms in Science…

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BlueMissionAA 2560 1920 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) – Portugal BlueMissionAA is the…

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EUceano 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: EUceano – Brazil EUceano is a movement created to reconnect humanity…

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A new vision for coastal resilience

A new vision for coastal resilience 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: University of Western Australia – Australia This project will empower coastal…

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OceanWISE: Indigenous Knowledge Alliance

OceanWISE: Indigenous Knowledge Alliance 1394 929 Ocean Decade

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: Asociación Centro para la Autonomía y Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas…

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Guiding youth to become green change ambassadors

Guiding youth to become green change ambassadors 1000 750 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: RTIS Network, Greece EMBRACE is a groundbreaking project designed to address…

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GIRT Scientific Divers

GIRT Scientific Divers 2560 1707 오션 디케이드

ALL ACTIONS Lead institution: GIRT Scientific Divers, Australia The no-impact underwater archaeological conservation-focused program Gathering…

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바다의 10년

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