우푸퀘 해양 센터-해양 기후 혁신 허브(UMC)

우푸퀘 해양 센터-해양 기후 혁신 허브(UMC)

우푸퀘 해양 센터-해양 기후 혁신 허브(UMC) 1920 1080 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

Technical University of Mombasa – Kenya

The Ufukwe Marine Centre (UMC) is a Centre of Excellence hosted by the Technical University of Mombasa. It aims to serve as a platform for fostering research and collaboration between researchers, entrepreneurs and all ocean-based stakeholders including local communities.

The mission is to explore and advance responsible and effective ocean-based climate solutions in Kenya to improve livelihoods and promote international scientific collaboration. The Centre focuses on three priority areas: Ocean-climate solutions research, Ocean-Climate Innovations and Ocean restoration and conservation. The Centre functions by steering activities aimed at increasing ocean knowledge and addressing climate change through ocean-based solutions. It works in close collaboration with local, regional, and international collaborators from both the private and public sectors.

Start Date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 01/01/2030

Lead Contact: Mariam Maku Swaleh Mwasaria (mariamsaria@gmail.com)

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