Southern Ocean Flux Capability Working Group (SOFLUX)

Southern Ocean Flux Capability Working Group (SOFLUX)

Southern Ocean Flux Capability Working Group (SOFLUX) 1195 673 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

남극 해양 관측 시스템 - 호주

The Southern Ocean has been identified as the prime region for net global uptake of heat and carbon dioxide. While air-sea fluxes determine this uptake, existing air-sea flux products vary significantly, and a number of studies have suggested that infrequent storm-related events may play a significant role in governing net air-sea exchanges.

The core aim of SOFLUX is to reduce uncertainties in our understanding of air-sea and air-sea-ice exchanges. SOFLUX facilitates the implementation of an observing system of essential ocean variables (EOVs) to support investigations on dynamics and change in Southern Ocean air-sea fluxes, the development of priority measurements, standardized methodologies for collecting and archiving data, the optimal design of field programs and remote sensing systems, strategies for implementing field observations, and support for development of assimilation and gridded flux products.

시작 날짜: 01/02/2022
종료 날짜 31/12/2025

리드 컨택트: 앨리스 핸콕 (

도전 과제 5- 해양-기후 넥서스, 7- 해양 관측, 9- 역량 개발
type_of_action: 프로젝트

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