리드 기관:
OceanX – United States of America (USA)
In early 2025, two global ocean exploration nonprofits – OceanX and the newly established OceanQuest – will conduct a collaborative mission, “Around Africa,” to unlock scientific understanding of Africa’s ocean environments.
The mission will increase understanding of ocean circulation, ecosystem health, and marine biodiversity to help address ocean challenges like climate change, sustainable resource management, and conservation. The data collected through this mission will support ocean understanding, education, and management approaches throughout the region for decades to come. The mission also will help build relationships between countries through scientific research and knowledge sharing. It is developed through collaborative work with local partners to support their goals related to ocean research, sustainable ocean management, and capacity development.
Start Date: 01/03/2025
End Date: 13/06/2025
Lead Contact: Vincent Pieribone (vincent@oceanx.org)