MSP를 위한 과학 및 디자인 석사

MSP를 위한 과학 및 디자인 석사

MSP를 위한 과학 및 디자인 석사 2560 1920 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

Università IUAV di Venezia – Italy

The two-year Ms in Science and Design for Maritime Spatial Planning, offered by the Iuav University of Venice, integrates scientific and design-based disciplines in an innovative and multidisciplinary manner, covering oceanography, marine biological sciences, land and environmental planning, coastal planning, and landscape architecture.

The programme combines theoretical knowledge with workshops and practice-based learning, providing students with a comprehensive set of skills and techniques for maritime spatial planning. The course trains professionals with the skills needed to work as consultants for private sectors engaged in maritime and coastal activities as well as for public sector entities. The programme is the first Master of Science entirely dedicated to these topics. Teaching activities are developed in collaboration with the National Research Council-Institute of Marine Sciences.

Start Date:  14/10/2024
End Date:  31/10/2026

Lead Contact: Francesco Musco (

도전 과제:
2- 생태계 보호 및 복원
5- 해양-기후 넥서스
10- 행동 변화

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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