남대서양 및 남극에 대한 FAPESP 프로그램(FAPESP PROASA)

남대서양 및 남극에 대한 FAPESP 프로그램(FAPESP PROASA)

남대서양 및 남극에 대한 FAPESP 프로그램(FAPESP PROASA) 2560 1707 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

FAPESP – Brazil

The FAPESP Program for the South Atlantic Ocean and Antarctic Sciences (PROASA) will advance knowledge about the South Atlantic and Antarctica with applications to confront planetary crises and promote sustainable development.

PROASA will expand, diversify, and qualify the leading role of the state of São Paulo and, therefore, Brazil in the scientific and sustainability agenda of the Ocean, promoting transformational scientific, technological, and innovation approaches on relevant and emerging themes, regionally and globally. PROASA will play a key role in facilitating a process of establishing and strengthening partnerships and synergies to amplify and qualify the science, technology, and innovation system, aiming to increase the local protagonism and competitiveness on the international Ocean and Antarctica agendas and in the transition to sustainability and promotion of environmental and social justice.

Start Date:  10/07/2024
End Date:  07/10/2029

Lead Contact: Alexander Turra (turra@usp.br)

도전 과제:
2- 생태계 보호 및 복원
3- 지속 가능한 블루 푸드
5- 해양-기후 넥서스

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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