심해 마이크로바이옴 및 생태계(DOME)

심해 마이크로바이옴 및 생태계(DOME)

심해 마이크로바이옴 및 생태계(DOME) 2000 1050 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

Shanghai Ocean University – China

DOME will build an integrated international network of research platforms, using observational, experimental, modeling, and technological approaches to determine deep ocean microbial diversity, ecosystem processes, and ocean’s carrying capacity to sustain climate change.

DOME will (1) co-design and co-develop transdisciplinary research, using molecular technologies to determine the emergent ecosystem properties of the water column and seafloor sediment; (2) use artificial intelligence and genome-enabled, process-based models for assessment and prediction of current and future ecosystem state in facing global climate change; (3) co-develop research capacity and design programs to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in research communities; (4) build a planet-scale sample-data platform, OceanMicrobe, to provide equal access to samples, knowledge and data to everyone, supporting the sustainable use of ocean genetic resources, and the implementation of the BBNJ Agreement.

Start Date:  04/01/2024
End Date:  31/12/2030

Lead Contact: Jiasong Fang (jsfang@shou.edu.cn)

도전 과제:
5- 해양-기후 넥서스
8- 바다의 디지털 표현
9- 역량 개발

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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