C&BI - 해양 및 연안 생태계

C&BI - 해양 및 연안 생태계

C&BI - 해양 및 연안 생태계 2560 1330 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

BNP Paribas Foundation under the aegis of Fondation de France – France

The BNP Paribas Foundation is strongly committed to address environmental challenges and in particularly those related to Ocean and Coastal Ecosystems. For over 10 years, the Foundation has supported impactful scientific research and innovative initiatives focused on biodiversity, climate change and sustainable development. Through partnerships with leading institutions and NGOs, it has funded projects that enhance the understanding on marine ecosystems or promote sustainable management and raise public awareness about ocean.

In 2025, BNP Paribas Foundation wants to go further by launching a new call for projects dedicated to ocean and coastal ecosystems. By being endorsed by the Decade, it can amplify efforts to protect marine biodiversity, mitigate climate impacts, supports sustainable practices and raise awareness aligned with the Decade’s mission.

Start Date:  21/01/2025
End Date:  06/04/2025

Lead Contact: Isabelle Giordano (isabelle.giordano@bnpparibas.com)

도전 과제:
1- 해양 오염
3- 지속 가능한 블루 푸드
5- 해양-기후 넥서스

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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오션 디케이드