Call for Proposals of the MeerWissen Initiative for African-German marine research partnerships

Call for Proposals of the MeerWissen Initiative for African-German marine research partnerships

Call for Proposals of the MeerWissen Initiative for African-German marine research partnerships 1321 743 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) – Germany

This contribution is an open call to support partnership projects through the MeerWissen Initiative that contribute to strengthening the knowledge base for marine and coastal Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in Africa.

This call explicitly supports a two-phased approach by funding a co-design phase prior to implementation of the joint two-year research project. All projects within the MeerWissen Initiative are contributing to a transformation in science by strengthening capacities in marine research, stimulating dialogue and knowledge transfer from science to policy uptake, and by fostering digital solutions and innovation.

This call for proposals will select projects that demonstrate a shared belief in the power of close collaboration of marine research with decision makers at policy and management level to provide tailored, up-to-date, and accurate science-based information to effectively protect and manage marine resources – i.e. the science we need, for the ocean we want.

Start Date: 08/10/2021
End Date: 28/02/2025

Lead Contacts: Barbara Lang ( and Alexandra van Hoek ( (

작업 유형:

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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