리드 기관:
Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) – Portugal
BlueMissionAA is the coordination hub that supports the implementation of the EU Mission Ocean and Waters in the Atlantic and Arctic basins.
It focus on restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems and increased climate resilience. BlueMissionAA will have a structuring effect to consolidate a wide community of relevant stakeholders towards the achievement of Mission objectives at basin level. It will deliver an effective governance framework aligned with policies, initiatives at national and EU levels, build a monitoring framework to assess the progress of the implementation, provide a wide range catalogue of supporting services, foster an attractive innovation ecosystem for ecological restoration, and engage citizens to engage in the preservation and restoration of oceans and waters through participative means. BlueMissionAA leads the Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse, which has been developing several demonstration sites in the region
Start Date: 01/11/2023
End Date: 31/10/2025
Lead Contact: Valerie de Liedekerke (valerie.deliedekerke@aircentre.org)