EUceano – Brazil
EUceano is a movement created to reconnect humanity with the oceans.
How to understand and reduce humanity’s distance from the oceans? By creating Empathy! Two documentary filmmakers set out on a mission around the world to learn more about the oceans and their relationship with humanity. In each action we will explore a place of great relevance to oceanic issues—diving with big animals, unraveling garbage islands, understanding sustainable fishing and especially how people live and interact with the sea.
This project will address the issues by shed light on the problems, getting to know the good interactions, and presenting and discussing inspiring actions in place. It will promote ocean literacy, which connects us to the source of all life on the planet and see the reality, the stories, of people who depend on the sea to survive, who defend sharks, fish as in the past and struggle to reduce plastic in the oceans and somehow inspire humanity to change its relationship with the sea.
Start Date: 25/12/2022
End Date: 31/12/2030
Lead Contact: Rodrigo Thomé (rodrigothome1975@gmail.com)