Centre de collaboration de la décennie pour la région de l'océan Indien (DCC-IOR)

Centre de collaboration de la décennie pour la région de l'océan Indien (DCC-IOR)

Centre de collaboration de la décennie pour la région de l'océan Indien (DCC-IOR) 1500 999 Décennie de l'Océan

Institution chef de file :

Centre national indien des services d'information océanique (INCOIS), ministère des Sciences de la Terre – Inde

The Indian Ocean Region is home to over one fifth of humanity, ranging from the east coast of Africa, to coast of western Australia and from the southern continental coast of Asia to Antarctic waters. Marine spatial planning is only used by a small number of nations and the region is relatively poorly charted outside of the EEZs.

Fisheries is a major industry, supplying essential protein to the region and to markets further afield, but many species are over-exploited and controls in areas beyond national jurisdiction are weak. Tsunami is a significant geohazards in the region, with a well-developed regional tsunami warning system, and climate change is the greatest additional challenge.

DCC-IOR will have a regional focus for the entire Indian Ocean Region. It will deliver the resources, skills and expertise to work with a diverse international community to help them deliver Decade Actions, create new ones, and catalyse the change that is needed to address the challenges in this very significant part of the global ocean.

DCC-IOR will contribute to all ten thematic Ocean Challenges in the Indian Ocean Region, with a particular focus on the following Challenges that have been identified as priorities for the region: 3 – Sustainably nourish the global population, 6 – Increase community resilience to ocean and coastal risks, 7 – Sustainably expand the global ocean observing system, and 9 – Skills, knowledge, technology and participation for all.

Contacts principaux :

Dr. Tata Sudhakar, Scientist, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai (s.tata-p@incois.gov.in)

Balakrishnan Nair, Director, Ocean Services and Applied Research Group, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (director@incois.gov.in)


La science dont nous avons besoin pour l'océan que nous voulons




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La Décennie de l'Océan