Decade Collaborative Centres and Coordination Offices
DCCs and DCOs
Decade Collaborative Centres (DCCs) and Decade Coordination Offices (DCOs) provide targeted support to the Ocean Decade through a coordination and catalysis role for Decade Actions at the regional or thematic level.
Decade Collaborative Centres (DCCs) and Decade Coordination Offices (DCOs) provide dedicated long-term support to coordinate Decade Actions at the regional (i.e. around major Ocean basins) or thematic (i.e. around Decade Challenges) levels. They support Decade Actions with capacity development, communications, tracking of progress and resource mobilisation, as well as catalysing new partnerships and initiatives as part of the Decade.
DCCs and DCOs enhance collaboration, promote effective co-design and uptake of science, and optimize the use of resources among the diverse stakeholders that contribute to the Ocean Decade.
They work in direct collaboration with the Decade Coordination Unit, relevant National Decade Committees, and Decade Implementing Partners.
DCCs and DCOs also proactively support the Ocean Decade Communities of Practice that correspond to their thematic or regional focus, facilitating their structuring, membership and active engagement via the Ocean Decade Network.
DCOs are hosted by UN entities, while DCCs are hosted by international or regional institutions, and are equipped with a small team of dedicated staff and operational resources. The goal is to have at least one DCC or DCO for every Decade Challenge and every major ocean basin.
If your institution would like to make a decisive contribution to the Ocean Decade by creating a DCO or DCC, please read more here and contact us via email:
If you are responsible for, or a collaborator in, a Decade-endorsed Action, find out more about the DCCs and DCOs and join the Communities of Practice they are supporting on the Ocean Decade Network.
Ocean-Climate Nexus
Decade Collaborative Centre for Ocean-Climate Nexus and Coordination Amongst Decade Implementing Partners in P. R. China
Pacific Islands Region of the Pacific Ocean
Decade Collaborative Centre for the Pacific Islands Region of the Pacific Ocean