المؤسسة الرائدة:
Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Spain
Using historical maritime archaeological methods, this project will investigate the role of Indigenous women in oceans’ activities in the Pacific Islands in order to highlight the importance of Indigenous women knowledge for environmental security.
This study will be aligned with the approach of the Science-Policy Platform of the United Nations of working with indigenous and local knowledge to offer solutions to environmental challenges. Environmental security is concerned with ecological emergencies such as climate change, food security or biodiversity loss and its effects on the security of people and societies. Indigenous peoples in general emphasise the spiritual nature of their relationship with the land or the oceans, which is basic to their existence and to their sustainable use of the oceans.
Start Date: 08/01/2024
End Date: 30/07/2027
Lead Contact: Elena Perez-Alvaro (perezalvaro.elena@oceansheritage.com)