المؤسسة الرائدة:
International Ocean Institute – Malta
The IOI is an NGO linking ocean communities and stakeholders with ocean knowledge at many levels, and the IOI Ocean Academy aims to bring Ocean Knowledge to All by focussing on ocean literacy curricula.
The IOI Ocean Academy Courses are:
- 20-hour modules delivered online
- Free-of-charge for participants
- Overseen by the IOI and implemented by local experts
- In local languages
- Ocean knowledge that is locally relevant
By explicitly acknowledging and addressing barriers to access and promoting inclusive educational strategies, the IOI Ocean Academy enhances Ocean literacy outreach to be more effective and equitable. Removing barriers of language, cost and access ensures that a broader and more diverse audience can actively understand the complexities of the Ocean and its local and global effects, now and in a changing future, laying the foundations for more informed understanding and personal daily decision-making.
Start Date: 10/01/2022
End Date: 31/12/2025
Lead Contact: Antonella Vassallo (ioihq@ioihq.org.mt)