المؤسسة الرائدة:
Smith Warner International – Jamaica
This Decade Action focuses on digitally transforming the Caribbean region by integrating disaster risk management in three main areas.
Firstly, it seeks to create a comprehensive digital coastal ecosystem surrounding the model Caribbean countries, allowing the assessment and quantifying coastal risk profiles of Caribbean islands, enhancing disaster preparedness and resilience. Secondly, the initiative incorporates state-of-the-art tsunami modeling to improve early warning systems and minimize coastal community vulnerabilities with hybrid coastal engineering solutions. Lastly, these data will be synthesized to inform conservation regulations of the Caribbean’s only whale reserve and illustrate the necessity of disaster risk planning in the national-level conservation practice in the Caribbean. The project addresses digitization of an often-neglected Caribbean region, island hazard risk assessment, marine conservation, and disaster preparedness along the Caribbean archipelago.
Start Date: 06/03/2024
End Date: 06/11/2027
Lead Contact: David Smith (david@smithwarner.com)