Lead institution: Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa
The EMS is one of the most rapidly changing ocean basins impacted by climate change and extensive anthropogenic pressures.
The EMS is used as an early warning and model system to examine ecosystem resilience and sensitivity. The Helmholtz International Lab EMS-FORE, based in Haifa, combines GEOMAR’s unique experience in investigating biogeochemical processes in global oceans with Haifa’s knowledge of the functioning of the EMS and in situ observational platforms. We will use world class facilities of the partners, multiple technologies for ocean observations, experimental manipulations and model-data fusion, research cruises, moorings and deployments of ROVs, AUVs and gliders, novel cameras and chemical sensors, and adaptive marine ecosystem models. Education of a new generation of early career scientists, PhD and MSc students forms a key aspect of EMS FORE, joint cruises, workshops and summer schools. We invite researchers internationally to become involved in our activities.
Start date: 01/01/2022
End date: 31/12/2026
Lead Contacts: Ilana Berman-Frank (iberman2@univ.haifa.ac.il); ntzitiat@univ.haifa.ac.ilNatalie Tzitiat (ntzitiat@univ.haifa.ac.il)