Lead institution:
Blue Marine Foundation – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)
The Solent Seascape Project is a collaborative five-year initiative aimed at restoring multiple habitats across the Solent, a diverse estuarine system between the Isle of Wight and mainland England.
As the first project of its kind in the UK, this partnership of ten multi-sectoral organizations works with local communities to actively restore and reconnect coastal habitats, creating a thriving, functioning seascape. The five key aims are to: collaborate with stakeholders to co-create a long-term seascape recovery plan that supports better management of existing habitats; actively restore saltmarsh, seagrass, oyster reefs, and breeding seabird nesting sites; assess ecosystem service benefits to evidence the wider advantages of seascape restoration; develop policy interventions and financial mechanisms to scale up potential for seascape restoration in the long term; and empower local communities by sharing knowledge, building capacity, and increasing involvement.
Start Date: 10/01/2022
End Date: 30/09/2027
Lead Contact: Rosalie Wright (rosalie@bluemarinefoundation.com)