Lead institution:
Australian National University – Australia
MegaMove is a global scientific initiative involving a concerted network of hundreds of researchers around the globe to advance the long-term conservation of marine megafauna.
This will be done through strategic mitigation of global threats guided by a multi-disciplinary science plan encompassing movement ecology, ecological modelling, statistical physics, oceanography, marine law and computer data science.
MegaMove will implement an already designed framework to create an open resource for interoperable and standardised biologging data sharing, querying and analysing across all stakeholders (researchers, manufacturers, data users) and to create a tool for dynamic prediction of marine megafauna occurrence, ecologically significant areas and risk mapping at global scale.
Start Date: 01/03/2020
End Date: 30/12/2030
Contact: Ana M. M. Sequeira (ana.sequeira@uwa.edu.au)