Lead institution:
Chilean National Oceanographic Committee (CONA) – Chile
The marine research cruise program in remote areas, has as its main objective to generate a platform of knowledge through the development of multidisciplinary and integrated scientific research on oceanography, meteorology, underwater morphology and biodiversity of inland water ecosystems of southern Chile and Chilean oceanic islands, in order to contribute to their sustainable development.
In the 2024-2030 period, the program plans to develop cruises in deep oceanic zones, in the traditional geographical areas and expanding its coverage to oceanic waters in the northern part of the country, with the execution of several research projects proposed by national researchers. The information obtained during the life of the CIMAR Program has given rise to numerous scientific bibliographies and the generation of the first comprehensive database of oceanographic data, increasing widely the knowledge about these areas and contributing to broaden the understanding of oceanographic processes.
Start Date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 31/12/2030
Lead Contact: Arturo Oxley (director@shoa.cl)