Lead institution:
University of Michigan – United States of America (USA)
“Global Ocean Corps and Conveyor” aims to develop a network of sustained long-term education and research collaborations between scientists from the global south and the global north.
The programme hosts four endorsed Decade Projects including the Ghana/Nigeria summer school. As reported on the Ghana/Nigeria summer school website, that school now alternates between Ghana and Nigeria, and the school is involved in large funding activities that will inject substantial resources into the Gulf of Guinea on co-designed research. We have also obtained separate funds to begin a sister school in East Africa in 2025 and 2026. All of this activity demonstrates the feasibility and utility of establishing a network of summer schools and other capacity sharing activities to facilitate international collaborations between the global south and global north.
Start Date: 01/01/2021
End Date: 31/12/2030
Lead Contact: Brian Arbic (arbic@umich.edu)
This Programme hosts the following Ocean Decade Projects: