Lead institution:
University of Michigan – United States of America (USA)
The Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School in Nigeria and Ghana has been running for one week every year since 2015.
The school has provided a platform for more than 1,000 scientists to network, learn, and collaborate over the years. The school began as an in-person school in Ghana but there have also been virtual schools, especially during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning in 2022, the project has been holding alternating in-person schools in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, in even years, and Ghana in odd years.
The multidisciplinary, multicultural, multi-institution approach has inspired large numbers of scientists, especially early-career scientists, into its ranks, thus “internationalizing” their outlook, molding many of them into champions for international capacity development for the remainder of their careers, and fostering true ocean science collaborations worldwide.
Start Date: 2015
Lead Contact: Brian Arbic (arbic@umich.edu)