Lead institution:
Ocean Legacy Foundation – Canada
The EPIC Academy presents an opportunity for students to acquire practical knowledge and a profound understanding of prevalent ocean plastic issues.
Through a thoughtfully structured curriculum, participants not only explore available solutions and innovations but also gain insights to instigate positive change to mitigate plastic pollution. Demonstrating their achievements, each lesson concludes with a quiz, and upon successfully completing all ten lessons, participants receive a prestigious digital Certificate of Completion. This certificate serves not only as a recognition of their dedication and knowledge but also as a tangible symbol to inspire and motivate others to engage in the vital cause of ocean conservation. With an ambitious goal, the EPIC Academy aspires to educate one million individuals on its curriculum by the year 2027, contributing significantly to the dissemination of critical knowledge and fostering a global community committed to combating ocean plastic pollution.
Start Date: 09/01/2022
End Date: 31/12/2027
Lead Contact: Chloé Dubois (chloe@oceanlegacy.ca)