Lead institution:
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (UNESCO-IOC) – France
The CoastWAVE project Phase-II (CostWAVE 2.0) is aimed at Scaling-Up and Strengthening the Resilience of Coastal Communities in the North-Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Regions to the Impact of Tsunamis and Other Sea Level-Related Coastal Hazards.
It will build collective and common capacities in tsunami hazard assessment and evacuation mapping using probabilistic approaches. It will track changes in the level of tsunami awareness and risk perceptions. It will install additional tsunami detection, monitoring and alerting systems and scale up UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready Recognized communities in existing and new countries.
A key outcome is to engage and create dialogues with multi stakeholders and users involved in coastal resilience in a multi-hazard/risk context with the aim to create shared prevention and resilient preparedness for ocean related hazards to reduce their impact through better understanding and integration of tools, strategies and polices.
Start Date: 01/07/2024
End Date: 07/01/2026
Lead Contact: Denis Chang Seng (d.chang-seng@unesco.org)