Lead institution:
The Yucatan Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico is a wide and shallow microtidal region. It supports one of the largest octopus fisheries in the world and is important for the growth of regional tourism, as well as its coast maintains one of the largest mangrove areas in Latin America and one of the largest aggregations of feeding whale sharks.
The basis of the food chain in this region is the nutrients supplied primarily from a bottom Ekman-driven upwelling. As the coastal urban population has grown input from undergrown water nutrients has become more relevant. In some cases, the nutrients in this region produce Harmful Algal Blooms.
So, we need to have a coupled observing-forecasting system to help us predict these events and the oceanographic impact of the tropical and winter storms in the region. So that we can inform of possible impacts on the economic and human activities in the area. DOSYS is the first step into this system.
Start Date: 15/02/2024
End Date: 31/12/2030
Lead Contact: Alejandro Souza (alejandro.souza@cinvestav.mx)