Lead institution:
Coral Reef Alliance – United States of America (USA)
CORAL’s Clean Water for Reefs initiative is focused on monitoring water quality, implementing land-based pollution solutions, restoring ecosystems, and influencing ecosystem management decisions.
On the island of Roatán in Honduras, CORAL has proved that local communities can manage their wastewater to the benefit of both human and reef health. CORAL has connected homes in West End, Honduras to a wastewater treatment facility in Roatan, which has kept 29 million gallons of wastewater from entering the ocean on an annual basis, generating significant reductions in fecal indicator bacteria. The following communities have already expressed interest in supporting a replicable program: Coxen Hole, West Bay, Cozumel, Belize City, and Trujillo. Official collaboration agreements with governing bodies and nonprofit partners help assess sanitation needs and improve methodologies as sanitation best practices are scaled throughout the MAR.
Start Date: 15/08/2023
End Date: 01/02/2030
Lead Contact: Mandy Norman (mnorman@coral.org)