Lead institution:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution – United States of America (USA)
One-quarter of the carbon derived from photosynthesis on Earth cycles rapidly through a pool of seawater metabolites generated by the activities of microbes.
These molecules help govern the global carbon cycle, provide life-supporting nutrients, and support the function of marine food webs that ensure a vital and healthy ocean. The Center for Chemical Currencies of a Microbial Planet (C CoMP) will leverage recent advances in analytical and data sciences, incorporate new ocean sampling technologies and an open-science framework, and engage educators and policy-makers to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of the chemicals and microbial processes that underpin ocean ecosystems and other microbiomes that affect our daily life.
Start date: 01/10/2021
End date: 30/09/2026
Lead Contact: Elizabeth Kujawinski (ekujawinski@whoi.edu)