Lead institution:
Blue Links Conservation – Seychelles
The Decade Action aims to enhance self-confidence, connectivity, knowledge exchange, and support for early career professionals in environmental conservation in Western Indian Ocean Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
This involves pairing mentees with mentors who offer tailored support and seeking opportunities for mentees to maximize their potential. The mentors include seasoned conservation professionals such as policy makers, ocean scientists, and conservation practitioners, who assist mentees in addressing skill gaps and providing a forum for ideas and discussion. The initiative aims to cultivate a supportive network where advancing mentees, in turn, support others, bolstering capacity in ocean and island management, conservation, science, communication, and governance in SIDS across the UNOD.
Start Date: 29/03/2024
End Date: 31/12/2030
Lead Contact: Sheena Talma (sheenatalma@gmail.com)